Location Information

Local Weather

Winter days in the Baltimore area are generally quite cold. Daytime temperatures can vary from an average low of 29F to a high of 47F. Average precipitation during January and February is 3-3.5 inches. Warm clothes and an umbrella are recommended.

Snow is also common in the area. In the Baltimore area the average seasonal snowfall is roughly 10 inches. Boots are recommended for snowy weather. Be sure to watch out for ice! If you come across an ice patch you can’t avoid, walk slowly and deliberately.


Plan Your Trip

Hotel Accommodations & Rates

Hilton Baltimore
401 West Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Telephone: 1 (443) 573 - 8700
Fax: 1 (443) 683 - 8841

Air Travel & Transportation

Christopherson (CB Travel Corp)
8450 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 410
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Fax: (303) 741 - 6329
Ph: 1 (866) 465 - 7155
Ph: (303) 689 - 7701

Roommates & Ridesharing

  • Roommate Assistance Form:
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